Message from the CEO

I am grateful to Almighty God for granting me the opportunity to serve as a small member of the water and wastewater industry in the country, with the comprehensive support of our esteemed shareholders and the cooperation of the dedicated, loyal, and religious engineers, technicians, and workers of this land.

We have relied on the capabilities of our specialists, whose dedication, sincerity, motivation, love, and honesty have enabled us to direct the conscious attention of the company’s managers and employees toward sustainable development and organizational excellence. This allows us to steadfastly and confidently take steps toward fulfilling our commitments with the desired quality and reasonable costs in a timely manner. Undoubtedly, achieving such valuable accomplishments is due to the cohesive work and efforts of those who, over the years, have contributed their knowledge, experience, and commitment in the face of various challenges on the path to advancement and the realization of the company’s strategic goals.

With faith in Almighty God, we will continue our efforts as we have in the past and believe that executing mega projects is not and will not be possible without sincere collaboration and cooperation.

We believe that by focusing on the important principles mentioned earlier, we will remain among the prominent and leading companies in executing large-scale construction projects. We are prepared, while adhering to scientific and engineering principles and standards, to collaborate with the best consulting engineers and contractors to provide services in design, implementation, supervision, investment, and partnership.

With respect and esteem for our patient and esteemed shareholders, we seek their continued support and encouragement. We are committed to utilizing the available and potential capacities of the region and the company to enhance profitability, expand our business scope, improve the quality of our services, promote safety and health, and observe environmental regulations, thereby contributing to the development and prosperity of our beloved country.