The Bandar Abbas Desalination Project:

Phase 1:

Implementation of the necessary infrastructure for seawater desalination with a capacity of 1.4 million cubic meters per day, including:

  • Construction of water intake structures and discharge facilities
  • Installation of marine pipeline systems
  • Construction of industrial buildings
  • Construction of desalinated water storage tanks
  • Construction of a 63 to 33 and 11 kV electrical substation
  • Construction of a 230 to 63 kV substation and transmission lines up to the 63 kV substation
  • Development of infrastructure facilities and land-based water transfer systems Desalination of water from the Persian Gulf at a rate of 400,000 cubic meters per day, with one 200,000 cubic meter unit implemented by the BOO investor contractor and one 200,000 cubic meter unit by Asia Water Development Engineering Company.

Phase 2:

Increase capacity by 600,000 cubic meters per day (construction of three desalination units, each with a capacity of 200,000 cubic meters).
If sufficient financial resources are secured, construction of a combined-cycle power plant.

Phase 3:

Increase capacity by 400,000 cubic meters per day (construction of two desalination units, each with a capacity of 200,000 cubic meters).